VLC uses Kickstarter to raise money for Windows 8 version

Good for them.

The current version of VLC is able to run on Windows 8 which was launched last month. However, VLC is currently limited to the desktop experience, which is hidden by default along with other classic applications, behind one of the tiles (interface element of the Start screen).

We want to allow users to get access to VLC from the Start screen and Metro experience too.

To run in Metro, important parts of VLC need to be re-written or ported and an entirely new interface needs to be created. This is very time-consuming and considering our current Windows design, we need professional designers to adapt the interface to Metro. Additionally, we would like to have it in the hands of our Windows 8 users as soon as possible.

Porting VLC to Metro by relying on volunteers during their spare time would take a long time, just as how VLC for Android has. This is why we decided to run this fundraiser. If successful, it will allow two developers to work on this project full time. Donors will get access to a broad range of goodies and users will benefit from quality software. The project is projected to be published early next year.

Here’s the Kickstarter page:

This project’s goal is a fully featured port of VLC media player to the new Windows 8 User Experience. A second release will also add support for Microsoft’s Surface tablets.


This fundraiser is run to allow experienced core members of the VideoLAN team to work on this new port full-time. We expect an initial release within three months after finishing the fundraiser. This would not be possible to do with volunteers.

A successful fundraiser will also allow us to hire professional designers to build a beautiful and clean user interface.

It’s worth noting that Microsoft funded VLC’s Windows 7 compatibility program participation. Perhaps they can kick in a few dollars here as well.

One thought on “VLC uses Kickstarter to raise money for Windows 8 version

  1. I will be supporting this since I want a good DVD player for windows 8 since Microsoft dropped MPEG2 from Media Player. Also since as best as I can tell you can’t get the media pack on Enterprise edition this is almost my only option for DVD in that environment.

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