Social recommendations gone mad

Yahoo Music just delivered this gem to my "Recommended Albums" page:


I tend to like music in this genre? I do not think so. Someone’s algorithm needs a little fine-tuning.

5 thoughts on “Social recommendations gone mad

  1. Perhaps this was a little “going away present” planted within their network by Steve Ballmer!? (kidding, of course!)

  2. Ed,
    Do you subscribe to Yahoo! Music Unlimited? I do and I personally love it. I’m so upset that they are shutting down the service and sending everyone over to Rhapsody. I mean how can you beat $5 a month for all you can stream and to hear almost every piece of music that comes down the pike.

  3. Dan, I do indeed have a Yahoo Music Unlimited subscription and love it just as much as you do. I am waiting to see what happens with Rhapsody and am prepared to see a pretty sickening price increase. My sub is prepaid through July 2009; let’s see if they honor it.

    Chustar, if you haven’t checked out Yahoo Music Unlimited, you’re missing out.

  4. Come on Ed, Yahoo Music wouldn’t lie. Deep down inside you know you secretly love music of that genre. 🙂

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