Searching the Office 2007 Ribbon

I confess: I love the Office 2007 Ribbon. But I know it’s a source of pain for some people. And truth to tell, even I sometimes have trouble finding a command. Which is why I was so pleased to see the new Office Search Commands add-in:


The add-in downloads and installs quickly and unobtrusively. To use it, click the newly added Search Commands tab at the far right of the Ribbon and then type a keyword in the search box. Results appear immediately to the right of the search box. You can click to execute the command or right-click to add the command to the Quick Access Toolbar.

Now, if they could come up with an add-in that makes the icons on the Quick Acxcess Toolbar just a wee bit bigger…

Update: For you x64 users out there, don’t be fooled by the system requirements. I had no trouble installing and running the add-in on a system running Vista Ultimate x64.

(via Ina Fried)

5 thoughts on “Searching the Office 2007 Ribbon

  1. This is pretty nifty. I’ve used Office 2007 enough to know where most of the options are on the Ribbon, but there is occasionally that rarely used feature that I don’t know how to find. This also seems really good for people who have never used 2007 before

  2. Thanks for the heads up on your installing it on Vista Ultimate x64. I installed this add-in on my x32 XP box this morning.

    Last week I built a Windows Server 2008 Enterprise x64 box and plan to install Office 2007 Enterprise on it and was wondering if skip trying to install it there. Based upon your experience I’ll try when the time comes and see what happens.

  3. ED my sister got office ultimate 2007 and was wondering if i can install it on 2 computer?

  4. I’m somewhat bemused by the fact that Microsoft’s latest and greatest UI innovation is… a search engine! (Doesn’t say much for their previous innovation, the ribbon.)

    What next – are we going to go back 20 years and add command prompts as well? Perhaps teletype consoles?

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