A few small design tweaks

Based on feedback from you, my dear readers, I tweaked the fonts to make more of a separation between headings and text. I’m not going to add a logo anytime soon, but I did change the banner at the top to “logoize” it a bit. Thanks for the many comments. I’m very happy with the way this has turned out!

10 thoughts on “A few small design tweaks

  1. Wow, the Dice ad atop the right-edge banner overpowers the good stuff below it though. Strange. Some vertical white space before the A2 endorsement might help.

    I just saw a browser rendering bug. When I first came here, there the first line break in the article was between “between” and “headings”. The odd thing was that there was a space in front of “headings” on the second line of the ‘graph. I maximized my browser window it went away, and when I restored to the non-maximized setting, the line break did not put a space at the start of the second line.

    I looked at the source of the page and there is nothing interesting about the XHTML 1.0 text that should have derailed the rendering. Hmm.

  2. Orcmid,

    I’ve seen that rendering issue too. I have no idea what causes it, but a refresh always makes it go away.

    I’ve wrestled with the space above the A2 heading. Unfortunately, if I put a space there, it appears when there’s no ad in the far right column, which makes the top of the column start a line too low and looks ugly. One of these days I’ll find the magic solution, but for now, everything’s a little crammed together.

  3. Oops. I think the Firefox thing is fixed now. Thanks for pointing it out!

    … I had screwed up the header file while experimenting with some ad layouts. Restoring the original fixed it.

  4. I’ve been busy moving all of my cyber-worldy goods to A2 Hosting so I came over here to check a link target from my laboratory blog (Spanner Wingnut’s Muddleware Laboratory, which only gets posts that are rehearsals for changes to my main blogs).

    I notice that this page is getting very nice. I like the absence of garish adds in the top right corner too, and the rearrangement of banner items seems to work well.

    I finally noticed what you did to logo-ize your top banner. Sweat.

  5. Ed,

    Looks good to me in both IE & FF. I had to chuckle about the comment about the Ad’s because I forget that I’ve got adBlock Plus and FlashBlock extensions, so I don’t see the ad’s unless I use IE, which I rarely do.


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